英语作文中介绍朋友和自已先写谁 - 爱问答





而在西方文化中,一般先写朋友,这是代表对他的尊敬,也看得出你很有礼貌。还是“我和你”这个句子,用英语会表达“You and I/me”一般不会说“I/me and you”。但你用“I/me and you”不是不可以,这样也符合语法,用了也没事。



         Yesterday afternoon, a friend of the grandma come to my house to see gran dma, brought her granddaughter, called li, and in this way, li became my new frie nd.

          Li with a big braid, round face, a pair of big eyes bright and clear like autumn pool, a cherry small mouth, two big ears, a pair of figure of Buddha.

         Li kind enthusiasm. I'm writing assignments, not make the pen, I will firmly jil ted to jilt, dumped a ground water is a pen, I see, quickly take cloth wipe up, li sa W, also help me to clean, clean, I said to her: "thank you." She said: "it doesn't ma tter, by the way, I have a pen, that particular, lend you use it." My heart is full of g ratitude to her, and she became good friends. 

      We play skip rope, I first jump, I picked up the rope skipping, a shake, shake out jumped up and jumped a few dozen is tired out of breath, jumped to the li, h er hands holding the rope skipping, hands, feet gently bouncing, followed by her faster and faster, like a gust of wind, she didn't feel tired, I admire to her. I asked her why she jump so fast don't tired, she told me that as long as your feet slightl y up, flexible hands shake, wrist to keep twisting, she really enthusiastic!

        She want to go home, I am reluctant to farewell with her, li, when will you co me to my house again?




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