傲慢与偏见主要讲了什么? - 爱问答



伊丽莎白是一个没有儿子的老乡绅的女儿,在五姐妹中,她排行老二。大姐简是远近闻名的淑女,伊丽莎白没有简姣好的面容,却在书籍中塑造了一个丰富又有内涵与个性的内心。她伶牙俐齿,看到当时社会上以财产和社会地位,来谈婚论嫁的风气,没有爱,没有自己。她感到了对纯洁爱渴望和对现时生活的迷茫。这时,她遇到了貌似傲慢的达西。达西的朋友,宾利和简相爱了,但是达西以财产和地位的理由拆散了他们。伊丽莎白也遇到了一个表哥,他不为了爱情只是为了婚姻而追求伊丽莎白,她拒绝了他可笑的求婚。她的好朋友夏绿蒂却因为自己同样愁嫁二嫁给 了她的表哥。伊丽莎白去拜访新婚的夏绿蒂,在那里遇到了达西,达西对她吐露了爱慕之情。但伊丽莎白却因为他的傲慢拒绝了他。后来,三妹与一个曾追求自己的军官魏肯私奔。魏肯与达西一同长大,在诱拐达西妹妹要挟财产不成后,做了一个军官。伊丽莎白听信了他对达西的诬蔑。而此时达西在受了伊丽莎白无礼拒绝后,依然爱着她,并且花钱让魏肯与伊丽莎白的三妹结婚,挽救了伊丽莎白的家庭。最终,伊丽莎白得知达西的一片深情,终于,他们结为连理,伊丽莎白终于 得到了她梦寐以求的爱情。而简和宾利终于也走到了一起。伊丽莎白勇敢的用知识和见识充实了自己的心灵,最终,冲破了财产与地位和世俗眼光,得到了自己的爱情,在一个充满了虚伪和浮华的社会,找到了自我和珍爱。

Pride and prejudice are displayed in every character pertaining to the novel in some form or another. It is pride of those of a higher economic status which genuinely withholds prominent relationships of those who are of lower economic status. Darcy's pride causes him to look down on those who are in a lower social class, due to his mentality that he supersedes those who are not within his social circle. Given that Elizabeth Bennet is of a lower class than Darcy, this places immediate restrictions to their relationship. Elizabeth also displays significant pride. Though not influenced by economic status, Elizabeth is most proud of her ability of perception: although it is her ill perception which causes her to misjudge Darcy and also Wickham. When Elizabeth hears of Wickham's accusations of Darcy, she trusts the negative perception of him, and mistakenly views Darcy's confidence as conceit.

Prejudice also corresponds with character pride. Prejudiced judgments are woven within society in the novel, especially pertaining to reputation, economic status, and women's inferiority to men. Immediate prejudiced judgments are consistently being developed for all characters; the wealthy are snobbish, the not-so-wealthy are impolite, the eldest daughter will be the first to marry, and unmarried women-over-thirty will never marry. However these judgments are not always negative. If one family member is seen to have good standing with wealthy society, the rest of the family also acquires this image. Unfortunately on the contrary, if one family member demonstrates societal deviance, as Lydia Bennet did with Wickham, the whole family is perceived to hold the same negative reputation. Many prejudiced judgments are due to a character's pride, or their pride causes social prejudice.

Critic A. Walton Litz describes the relation of pride and prejudice for the characters of Elizabeth and Darcy, stating "in Pride and Prejudice one cannot equate Darcy with Pride, and Elizabeth with Prejudice; Darcy's pride of place if founded on social prejudice, while Elizabeth's initial prejudice against him is rooted in pride of her own quick perceptions."




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