傲慢与偏见的作者JaneAustin的英文简介 - 爱问答



Jane Austin 英文版简介 最好200字上Jane Austen's novels were witty, warm and ironic portraits of the privileged classes of 18th- and 19th-century England. Her best-known works are Emma (1815), Pride and Prejudice (1813) and Sense and Sensibility (1811), though due to the status of women authors at the time, most of her novels were published anonymously. Austen was one of eight children of an English clergyman, and given the accomplishments of her novels she lived a remarkably quiet and domestic life in the rural south of England. She never married and was only 41 when she died. The Pride and Prejudice heroine Elizabeth Bennet and her dashing suitor Mr. Darcy are one of the more famous couples in English fiction.

Austen has long been a favorite of Hollywood; recent movie adaptations include Pride and Prejudice (2005, with Keira Knightley), Emma (1996, with Gwyneth Paltrow) and Sense and Sensibility (1995, with Emma Thompson and Kate Winslet). The 1995 Alicia Silverstone movie Clueless is considered a whimsical remake of Emma... The exact cause of Austen's early death has never been clear. In the last year of her life she suffered from fatigue, back pain, nausea and fevers as she gradually faded away. Addison's disease, Hodgkin's disease and tuberculosis have all been suggested as possible causes by modern-day scholars.




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