僵尸新娘英文台词 - 爱问答




谢谢。Movie Script II
Emily: With this hand, I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never empty, for I will be...I will be...Your cup will never empty, for I will be...
Victor: I will be your wine.
Corpse 1: She's having a second thought.
Emily: I can't.
Victor: What's wrong?
Emily: This is wrong. I was a bride. My dreams were taken from me. But now, now I've stolen them from someone else. I love you, Victor. But you are not mine.
Victor: Victoria?
Barkis: Oh, how touching! I always cry at weddings. The young lovers together at last. Surely now they can live happily ever after. But you forget, she's still my wife. I will not leave here empty-handed!
Emily: You!
Barkis: Uhh, Emily?
Emily: You!
Barkis: But, but...I left you.
Emily: Left me dead.
Barkis: This woman is obviously delusional. Sorry to cut it short, but we must be on our way.
Victor: Take you hands off her.
Barkis: Do I have to kill you too?
Corpse 2: Victor, catch! Sorry.
Corpse 3: I say, play it fair, sir.
Barkis: Too shame, my dear.
Emily: Get out!
Barkis: Oh, I'm leaving. But first a toast to Emily, always the bridesmaid, never the bride. Tell me, my dear, can a heart still break when it stops beating?
Maggot: Let me have him, let me have him, don't let him...
Corpse 4: Wait, we must abide by their rules. We are amongst the livings.
Barkis: Well said.
Maggot: Not any more.
Corpse 5: Yes, you're right. He's all yours.
Corpse 2: New arrival.
Victoria: Oh, Victor, I never thought I'd see you again.
Victor: Wait. I made the promise.
Emily: You kept your promise. You set me free. Now I can do the same for you.
1. have a second thought,表示“另有想法,重新考虑”。
2. The young lovers together at last. 有人终成眷属。




谢谢 电影 资源 百度云 动漫 一天 高清 传奇 漫画 生死狙击 僵尸 东方 罗斯 风云 骑士 秘密 火影忍者 偶像 爱情公寓 天龙八部 微商 人工智能 梦幻西游 对话
谁能告诉我为啥这是灰色的? 黄靖华拍了哪些电影 求诚如神之所说电影资源,谢谢!! 你最喜欢哪一部美剧 求一首歌,只知道第一句:逮虾户,这是什么歌 怎理解大s和旧情人复合?如看一套电影没看完会有遗憾。看完结局就完满? 王家卫和徐克谁厉害 为什么好多人都在黑时代少年团? 有无《EVA新剧场版:Q》的这张电脑壁纸(就他们在中间小小的周围都是星空) 跳舞的线没有声音怎么办 求吊带袜天使的百度盘资源!!谢谢!!!!! 熊出没里的所有歌曲有哪些? 谁知道这张图片出自哪个动漫,谢谢 有谁是王俊凯的粉丝 问一下,这个是什么动漫....