尼斯湖水怪英语原文 - 爱问答



尼斯湖水怪电影英语念白,或者关于其的英语故事~~3分钟左右~~谢谢大家~~The Loch Ness Monster is an alleged creature purportedly inhabiting Loch Ness in Scotland. Popular interest and belief in the animal has fluctuated since it was brought to the world"s attention in 1933. Evidence of its existence is largely anecdotal, with minimal and much disputed photographic material and sonar readings. The scientific community regards the Loch Ness Monster as a modern-day myth, and explains sightings as a mix of hoaxes and wishful thinking. Despite this, it remains one of the most famous examples of cryptozoology. The legendary monster has been affectionately referred to by the diminutive Nessie (Scottish Gaelic: Niseag) since the 1950s.

In 1993 Discovery Communications began to research the ecology of the loch. The study did not focus entirely on the monster, but on the loch"s nematodes (of which a new species was discovered) and fish. Expecting to find a small fish population, the researchers caught twenty fish in one catch, increasing previous estimates of the loch"s fish population about ninefold.

Using sonar, the team encountered a kind of underwater disturbance (called a seiche) due to stored energy (such as from a wind) causing an imbalance between the loch"s warmer and colder layers (known as the thermocline). While reviewing printouts of the event the next day, they found what appeared to be three sonar contacts, each followed by a powerful wake. These events were later shown on a program called Loch Ness Discovered, in conjunction with analyses and enhancements of the 1960 Dinsdale Film, the Surgeon"s Photo, and the Rines Flipper Photo.




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