电影超级战舰主题曲,插曲,就是演戏刚开始时候放的那个 - 爱问答



Here’s the track list of the soundtrack of Battleship, the upcoming science-fiction movie directed by Peter Berg:

Battleship Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Music by Steve Jablonsky.
1. First Transmission
2. The Art Of War
3. Full Attack
4. You’re Going To The Navy
5. The Beacon Project
6. Objects Make Impact
7. First Contact Part 1
8. First Contact Part 2
9. It’s Your Ship Now
10. Shredders
11. Regents Are On The Mainland
12. Trying To Communicate
13. Water Displacement
14. Buoy Grid Battle
15. USS John Paul Jones
16. We Have A Battleship
17. Somebody’s Gonna Kiss The Donkey
18. Super Battle (Tom Morello_
19. Thug Fight (feat. Tom Morello)
20. Battle On Land And Sea
21. Silver Star
22. The Aliens
23. Planet G
24. Hopper

The movie soundtrack of Battleship will be released on May 8, 2012.
List of other songs heard in the movie:

- “Thunder Struck” by ACDC (mid-way through the film)
- “Fortunate Son” by Creedence Clearwater Revival (at the end)




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