翻译英文【美女与野兽】 - 爱问答



Once upon a time, in a far away land, a young prince lived in a shining castle. Although he had everything, he was unkind. One winter’s night, an old woman came to the castle and offered him a single rose. She warned him not to be deceived by appearance, for beauty is found inside. If he could learn to love another, and earn her love in return by the time the last petal fell, then the spell would be broken. If not, he would be a beast forever.

The story told about the main character, Belle, a beautiful and clever girl. And her father once was caught by the Beast. In order to save her father, she had to go to the castle and was trapped in it instead of her father. Then she was kept being controlled by the ugly Beast.

During the first several days, she hated the Beast. Just after having known the Beast under such a condition, she changed her mind and tried to go well with him.

After the days she stayed with the Beast, she found the kindness inside the Beast and fell in love with him. There was no problem that the cup, the candle, almost all the furniture took part in the campaign to help their master. And Belle finally knew that ‘Beauty inside is beauty indeed.’

Just a little change. Small to say the least. Both a little scared, neither one prepared. Beauty and the Beast, the film is the best.很久很久以前,在一个遥远的土地,一个年轻的王子在阳光灿烂的城堡里。虽然他拥有了一切,他不仁慈。一个冬天的晚上,一位老妇人来到他的城堡,并给他一支玫瑰。她警告他不要被外表所欺骗,要发现里面的美。如果他能学会爱别人,并使时间花瓣下跌,那么该法术将被打破回报她的爱。如果没有,他将永远是一个野兽。








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谁能告诉我为啥这是灰色的? 黄靖华拍了哪些电影 求诚如神之所说电影资源,谢谢!! 你最喜欢哪一部美剧 求一首歌,只知道第一句:逮虾户,这是什么歌 怎理解大s和旧情人复合?如看一套电影没看完会有遗憾。看完结局就完满? 王家卫和徐克谁厉害 为什么好多人都在黑时代少年团? 有无《EVA新剧场版:Q》的这张电脑壁纸(就他们在中间小小的周围都是星空) 跳舞的线没有声音怎么办 求吊带袜天使的百度盘资源!!谢谢!!!!! 熊出没里的所有歌曲有哪些? 谁知道这张图片出自哪个动漫,谢谢 有谁是王俊凯的粉丝 问一下,这个是什么动漫....