龙王传说片尾曲的歌词 - 爱问答



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  这是 mp3 版本,歌名是どうにもとまらない~ノンストップ
  Don't believe them when they tell you love has got me down.
  Do you think that I'm the type that love can push around?
  I may bend but I won't break,my passion cant' be bound.
  I'm gonna conquer love before it conquers me.

  patched my broken heart together, wiped the tears away.
  Ready now to brave the world and face a brand new day.
  Here am I with head up high,the fire's burning bring,
  I'm gonna make a thousand dream come true tonight.

  Oh,let the thunder crash! Oh,let the storms begin!
  I won't stop until it's over "cause I'm goin" out to win.
  Oh,watch my spirits soar! Oh,higher than before!
  "Mou dou ni mo tomaranai"

  Flying on my skateboard,hey,look out,I'm blowing through!
  I'm the new sensation,I'm a bolt out of the blue.
  Got the tricks to show the chicks,and here's a spon or two.
  Cause baby looking good's what I was born to do

  Oh,dream the wildest dream! Oh,aiming for the sky!
  I'm a rocket to the moon,I'm gonna live until I die.
  Oh,spirit fast and free! Oh,baby, you and me!
  'Mou dou ni mo tomaranai"

  Oh,let the thunder crash! Oh,let the storms begin!
  I won't stop until it's over "cause I'm goin" out to win.
  Oh,watch my spirits soar! Oh,higher than before!
  "Mou dou ni mo tomaranai"

  Oh,dream the wildest dream! Oh,aiming for the sky!
  I'm a rocket to the moon,I'm gonna live until I die.
  Oh,spirit fast and free! Oh,baby, you and me!
  'Mou dou ni mo tomaranai"




控制 天下 西游记 祝福 三国演义 斗罗大陆 隋唐 灵魂 童年 左耳 复活 项链 斗破苍穹 蝙蝠 校花 勇气 风流 黑客 盗墓笔记 神武 魔域 小爱 完美世界 全职高手
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