呼啸山庄的英文简介 - 爱问答



作者的英文简介和小说的作者:Emily Jane Brontë (pronounced /ˈbrɒnti/ or /ˈbrɒnteɪ/)[1] (30 July 1818 – 19 December 1848) was an English novelist and poet, now best remembered for her novel Wuthering Heights, a classic of English literature. Emily was the second eldest of the three surviving Brontë sisters, between Charlotte and Anne. She published under the androgynous pen name Ellis Bell.
  It's a story about love and revenge . Heathcilff was adopted by Mr Earnshaw on the Livepool Street .He live with Mr Earnshaw 's son Hindly and his daughter Cathy.Hindley hated Heathcilff but his sister like Heathcilff.After Earnshaw died ,Hindley become the host of the family ,he treated Heathcliff as a farmer and insult him .At the same time ,Cathy and Heathcliff love each other.Linton ,the son of Thrushcross Grange,pay court to Cathy ,and visit her very often .Cathy made up her mind to get married with him,Heathcliff was very angry and went out.Heathcliff came back with a lot of money. He cheated Hindley'belongings by gambling.He did the things all for revenge.He married Linton'siston Isabella .Cathy died after she gave a birth to little Catherine.Isabella discerned Heathcliff and left him .She procreated little Linton and died .Heathcliff spoliated little Linton and badgered him to love little Catherine.Heathcliff hijacked little Catherine and forced her to be married with his son .After this ,he annexed all Linton'belongings and finish his revenge. At the same time , Heathcliff was importuned by Cathy .He stayed at his own room all day and didn't have meal or sleep.At last,he died in dumps and delirium.




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