呼啸山庄简介英文版 - 爱问答



大约,500个单词左右,要原创,句子写的不要太华丽 This is a story of love and revenge.  Master of Wuthering Heights, Mr. Earnshaw brought back the squire an unidentified child, take 名希斯克利夫, he won the masters of the small master Hindley and his sister Catherine"s favor.  Master"s death, Hindley demoted in retaliation for the Heathcliff as a servant, and all sorts of persecution, but Catherine with him closely and childhood. Later, Catherine outside influence, and instead fell in love with the quiet young Edgar Thrushcross Grange.Heathcliff leave in anger, prosperity returned home after three years, Catherine has married Edgar.  Heathcliff"s revenge crazy this end, by gambling away the Hindley"s family wealth. Hindley died drunk himself, his son Hareton become a servant.  He also deliberately married Edgar"s sister Isabella, persecution. 。 Catherine him painful death in production. Ten years later, Heathcliff has facilities of dollars to Edgar"s daughter Catherine, married to his dying son, Linton. Edgar and small Linton were dead, Heathcliff eventually appropriated the property of Edgar family. Revenge succeed, but he can not die from Catherine"s love of the freed and eventually died of drink or unrequited love. Catherine and Hareton inherited small and Grange Villa industry, the two eventually fall in love, to Thrushcross Grange their home.  Novels reflect real life has shown a strong romantic color.




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