跪求bilibili版拔剑神曲 - 爱问答



GC的,顺便把英文版空耳歌词....《βios》拔剑神曲 的空耳歌词,发在这里回馈社会~


the loneness star is in main of shine (孤寂的星在光芒中闪现)
if i could love.try all that make you care (如果我能去爱,尽全力让你察觉)
in the heart (在心中)
i feel guess many (我无数次感觉与猜测)

sand weep out in the hole (狂沙在空洞呜咽)
spare sound wind found on dash town (残留风声在废弃的村庄)
feel pass b_y few temperature (感觉随着温度消失)
we can to here after all (我们终于来到这里)
ash weep out in the hole (灰尘在空洞呜咽)
fate book step on ten poem tower (命运之书的十诗之塔)
review,write on to a end (回首,写下故事的终章)
fearless (无畏)

link and trust we,stay my dream in (连接而相信你我,驻足于我的梦中)
wind mess my eye,time move my answer lose (风却凌乱了双眼,时间将答案淹没)
sway against weather steam b_y an empty(用空虚的身体强忍季节气流)
there my care for you,see both sad and confuse(那是我对你的关心,看到无尽的悲哀与苦痛)

when the air leave sadden the ankle (当稀薄空气使脚踝发出悲鸣)
but even i would still carry on it (但即便是我也要坚持到最后)
dark spear against my knee(暗黑之矛刺向我的单膝)
go through in gate and get in hurt(穿过那扇门去迎接苦痛)
you see?(你可知道?)

the loneness star is in main of shine (孤寂的星在光芒中闪现)
if i could love.try all that make you hear (如果我能去爱,尽全力让你听到)
in the heart(在心中)
i feel guess many(我不断的感觉与猜测)

sand weep out in the hole (狂沙在空洞呜咽)
spare sound wind found on dash town (残留风声在废弃的村庄)
feel pass b_y few temperature (感觉随着温度消失)
we can to here after all (我们终于来到这里)
ash weep out in the hole (灰尘在空洞呜咽)
fate book step on ten poem tower (命运之书的十诗之塔)
welcome one doubt,two or either?(做出选择吧,二或一?)
fairth (相信)

end night should leave dawn.end night should leave dawn (夜的终章,离开拂晓)
all that word doesn't mean care wave want (倾尽言语都无法表达的心动)
end night should leave dawn.end night should leave dawn (夜的终章,离开拂晓)
and then turn and run to me (然后转身,奔向我吧)

finding her,fly,
then fencing my deep care (找寻她,飞翔),
to get in her lip (去触碰她的唇)
find the girl,save,thus where lives my dear girl? (找到那个女孩,拯救),(亲爱的你在何方?)
no where if be (无论你在哪里)
end night should leave dawn.end night should leave dawn (夜的终章,离开拂晓)
all that word doesn't mean care wave want (倾尽言语都无法表达的心动)
end night should leave dawn.end night should leave dawn (夜的终章,离开拂晓)
and then turn and run to me (然后转身,奔向我吧)

link and trust we,stay my dream in (连接而相信你我,驻足于我的梦中)
tear kiss my hand,time pull my answer lose(泪水亲吻我手心,时间将答案淹没)
sway against weather steam b_y an empty(用空虚的身体强忍季节气流)
there my care for you,see both sad and confuse(那是我对你的关心,看到无尽的悲哀与苦痛)

when the air leave sadden the ankle (当稀薄空气使脚踝发出悲鸣)
but even i would still carry on it (但即便是我也要坚持到最后)
dark spear against my knee(暗黑之矛刺向我的单膝)
go through in gate and get in her,
in here(穿过那扇门去迎接她吧,就在这里




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