千岛湖英语介绍 - 爱问答



千岛湖英语介绍,简单点的,初二的知识,速度点!!Qiandao Lake is a man-made lake located in Chun'an County, Zhejiang, China, formed since the completion of theXin'an River hydroelectric station. There are 1,078 large islands in the lake and a few thousand smaller ones. It covers an area of 573 km² and has a storage capacity of 17.8 km³. The total area of the islands in the lake is about 86 km².
The lake is an important tourist attraction of Zhejiang.Qiandao Lake is known for its clear, and sometimes drinkable water, such as that used to produce the renowned Nongfu Spring brand of mineral water. It is also home to lush forestation (over 90%), and exotic islands, its more popular attractions include Bird Island, Snake Island, Monkey Island, Lock Island (featuring supposedly the world's biggest lock), and Island to Remind You of Your Childhood.




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