《基督山伯爵》的英文简介 - 爱问答



不要太长,最好两百词以内,配上中文,如果可以,再来些好句,有中文的,哪位神人能帮忙,拜谢!!小弟急用The Count of Monte Cristoby Alexandre DumasNarrated by Richard MatthewsThe story takes place in France, Italy, and islands in the Mediterranean during the historical events of 1815? (from just before the Hundred Days through the reign of Louis-Philippe of France). It is primarily concerned with themes of justice, vengeance, mercy and forgiveness, and is told in the style of an adventure story.Dumas got the idea for The Count of Monte Cristo from a true story, which he found in a memoir written by a man named Jacques Peuchet. Peuchet related the story of a shoemaker named Pierre Picaud, who was living in Paris in 1807. Picaud was engaged to marry a rich woman, but four jealous friends falsely accused him of being a spy for England. He was imprisoned for seven years. During his imprisonment a dying fellow prisoner bequeathed him a treasure hidden in Milan. When Picaud was released in 1814, he took possession of the treasure, returned under another name to Paris and spent ten years plotting his successful revenge against his former friends.作者是法国作家大仲马(1802-1870),《基督山伯爵》是一本极其优秀的小说,其主人公非常灿烂而优雅,其经历让人难忘。其中最著名的句子出现在小说的最后一章:世界上并无所谓的快乐 也无所谓的痛苦 唯有两种处境的比较罢了 唯有经历过最大厄运磨难的人 才能真正感受到幸福的所在 尽的享受生命的快乐吧 永远记住 在上帝揭开人类未来的图景前 人类的智慧就包含在两个词中:等待和希望.内容介绍法老号大副堂泰斯受船长委托,为拿破仑党人送了一封信,遭到两个卑鄙小人和法官的陷害,被打入死牢。狱友法里亚神甫向他传授了各种知识,并在临终前把埋于基督山岛上的一批宝藏的秘密告诉了他。堂泰斯越狱后找到了宝藏,成为巨富。从此化名基督山伯爵,经过精心策划,报答了恩人,惩罚了仇人。本书充满浪漫的传奇色彩,章章奇特新颖,引人入胜。




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