《基督山伯爵》的英文简介 - 爱问答



要做相关PPT的,所以越多越好,多谢拉。。。。。。wordsworth Classics covers a huge list of beloved works of literature in English and translations。This growing series is rigorously updated, with scholarly introductions and notes added to new titles。
The story of Edmund Dantes,self-styled Count of Monte Cristo。 The novel presents a powerful conflict between good and evil, embodied in an epic saga that is complicated by the hero’s discomfort with the implications of his own actions。
The Count of Monte Cristo is one of the great literary adventures, indeed William Thackeray was so enthralled he began reading `at six one morning and never stopped till eleven at night’。
The hero is Edmond Dantes, a young sailor who,falsely accused of treason, is arrested on his wedding day and imprisoned in the island fortress of Chateau d’If。 After staging a dramatic escape he sets out to discover the fabulous treasure of Monte Cristo and catch up with his enemies。 A novel of enormous tension and excitement, Monte Cristo is also a tale of obsession and revenge, with Dantés, believing himself to be an `Angel of Providence’,pursuing his vengeance to the bitter end before realizing that he himself is a victim of fate。
This new edition uses the classic,anonymous translation that has been in print since the nineteenth century。




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