请大神回答,有10个金币,答对 - 爱问答



Task 5

Directions: The following is an introduction to a cinema.   After reading it, you should give brief answers to the five questions ( No.41 to No. 45) that follow. The answers (in not more than 3 words)should be written after the corresponding numbers on the Answer Sheet.

Thank you for calling the Hong Kong Art cinema. There’s no one to answer your call at the moment. The Hong Kong Art Cinema is open 7 days a week, showing a variety of Chinese and foreign films. Next week we’ll show the Chinese film My Happy Life. You can see that film from Monday to Friday. It’ll be on twice a day in the evening, that’s at 8:10 and 10:30. The film lasts 2 hours. Tickets are 150 HK dollars, but there’s special student’s ticket at 50 HK Dollars for all our film. Please bring your student card if you want cheaper tickets. And the nearest car park to the cinema is on the Nathan Road, that’s N A T H A N, it’s just 5 minutes’ walk from the cinema. Thank you for calling the HK Art Cinema. If you require further information, phone our office number 9 AM to 5 PM on week days.


41. How many days does the cinema open per week?

   It opens ___________  a week.

42. when will the Chinese film My Happy Life be on show?

   It will be on show ____________.

43. When can the audience see My Happy Life in this cinema?

From ______________ next week.

44. What’s the price of the tickets for students?

   There’s special student’s ticket at _____________ for all our film.

45. If one wants to ask for some information about the films, what time is available?  

If you require further information, phone our office number _________on week days.

41:5 days

42:Monday to Friday

43:8:10 and 10:30.

44:50 HK Dollars

45:9 AM to 5 PM




我的世界 LOL 绝地求生 王者荣耀 吃鸡 英雄联盟 GTA 荒野行动 使命召唤 穿越火线 魔兽世界 网游 植物大战僵尸 造梦西游 逆战 排位 qq飞车 阴阳师 楚留香 斗地主 坦克世界 守望先锋 星际战甲 蜀门手游 300英雄
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