英语写一篇作文 - 爱问答



英语写一篇作文   1大学生活的愿望 2专业的选择你理想的专业 3寝室的生活 新认识的朋友 4社团生活

题目:The desire of university life

        If life is a book, then college life is the most beautiful page in the book; if life is a play, then college life is the most wonderful scene in the play, if life is a long journey from birth to death; then we can see the most brilliant scenery with college life. Friends, at the best of times in your life, have you been sailing to the other side of your dreams? Have you stretched out your strong wings and are heading for the free sky? Are you excited by entering the University, and your heart is willing to make the next wish and fight for it?

       For this long-lost dream, we grind a sword in the cold of ten years, and those hard-working days are still vivid in our eyes. On that harvest day, we deeply understood how meaningful it was to accomplish something through our own efforts. We walked through the storm together and arrived at the beautiful university campus in the same boat. Standing at a new starting point, I am so excited and so fascinated

      However, as I unfolded the picture of College life, I found that the end of the search was not always the joy of the old mind that the man was in the dark. Looking for him in his dream, he is still half concealed. At this time, I was confused and wandered, but time never stopped its pace, just as Zhu Ziqing wrote, "When washing hands, the days passed in the basin; when eating, the days passed in the bowl; when silent, they passed in front of their eyes. I sensed that he was in a hurry. "Yes! Time is like water, and our life still has a lot to do, in order to dream, let us cherish time, from now on, little by little accumulation! Let our university life become more substantial, rich and rhythmic. In life I always hope happiness with success, smiling in every season of youth, I know: there is the call of the sea, we can not let the courage to fight in the waves, there is the call of the blue sky, we can not let the flying wings degenerate in the dark clouds.

       We are all people who have dreams and pursuits. Don't give up their progress because of the hardships. The process of pursuing dreams is bitter, but only the life that has been honed will have more connotations. Don't let the restless heart be occupied by impetuosity, but to drive the wings of the soul in the campus to learn knowledge, at different levels of the crowd to learn to be a better person, four years of persistence is difficult, give up is easy. We have always believed that winter is coming, spring will not be farther, not through the cold winter do not know the warmth of spring, nor through the desert do not know the sweetness of water, not through failure do not know the joy of success. Because we are young and frivolous, we are likely to fail, but it is youth that gives us the courage to go forward and never give up capital. As long as we go all the way to our feet with passion, we will win in the end.

      University is a small stage and society full of talent, knowledge and competition. We all play different roles on this stage, so why don't we try to play our role best? As a college student, we are eager to be optimistic and positive rather than blindly impulsive, bold and not wanton, dare to say and dare not fantasize, think deeply and do not wander? Then let us grasp the youth, exercise ourselves here! Leave behind your hard work in organizational activities, show your most beautiful demeanor in community activities, and contribute your strength in voluntary activities. Here you get not only knowledge, but also the most valuable asset of life. Just as a classmate, the youth is in full bloom. Let the flower of life be colored by youth, and let youth be brightened by vitality. In the University campus, there is no impossible, only unexpected, let us heartily to play their talents! Less human beings, the most cherished University. Don't let youth idle, in the daily life loaded with a little harvest, let self-confidence smile float in your face and my face, firmly believe that there is a return to pay, exciting burst of passion!

        University is the hall of dreams for all of us. In order to come to this palace, we experienced ups and downs. Now that we have stepped into this threshold, let us spread our individuality in this dream hall.

       University is not a dream, not a dream, nor a delusion. It is our great ideal. As long as we fight for it, fight for it. One day, we will return with fruitful results. Then you will hear the maple leaf boat, you will see the golden chrysanthemum in laughter, you will smell the fragrance of fruits, because you have reached the harvest season!

      When I wrote this article, I was already a student of Beijing University. As I was about to enter the university, I stood at the beginning of the University and looked forward to my four-year study and life, hoping that my university would be as full and meaningful as expected. 

  •       Freshman: lay a solid foundation. Conceptually, "I want to learn" will be changed into "I want to learn", down-to-earth learning of basic courses, especially English and computer. Make a small plan under the big plan, stick to memorizing English words every day, practicing oral English, and stick to it from the beginning. Consider whether to take a double degree or minor in a second major according to your own actual situation, and prepare the materials as soon as possible. Freshmen's learning tasks are relatively easy. They can take part in community activities, take on certain positions, improve their organizational ability and communication skills, and train soldiers for job interviews.

  •       Sophomore: connecting the past and the future. In this year, we should not only firmly grasp the foundation, but also make good preparations for the transition from basic courses to professional courses, and to browse some important senior courses one by one, so as to make a smooth transition to junior high school. This year, you should have one or two weighty certificates in English and computer, and choose appropriate courses for other majors to diversify your knowledge. Can participate in beneficial social practice, such as township, volunteer activities, but also try to work with their professional related units part-time, more experience different levels of life, cultivate their own spirit of hardship and social responsibility.
  •     Senior 3: catch up with others. Take the initiative to deepen the study of professional courses, and the senior curriculum as far as possible into the junior semester, so that senior students have relatively relaxed time for job hunting or postgraduate entrance examination. For most students, the junior year is about to throw himself into society, so we should ask seniors for job information, interview skills and career needs, ask for experience in writing job letters and resumes, and begin to practice for the career in our mind during the holidays. Students preparing for postgraduate entrance examination or studying abroad should pay attention to examination information and collect all kinds of information as many channels as possible. 
  •       Senior 4: sail a thousand li. The target is already locked, and the shot will be launched. Job hunters, write good personal job hunting materials, go into recruitment activities, go to job hunting websites and forums, you will naturally enjoy the fruits of hard work. 
                 This is my desire for college life.




  然而在大学生活的画卷铺开时,我发现在寻寻寻觅觅的尽头,并不都是以往心里的“那人却在灯火阑珊处”的喜悦。梦里寻他千百度,却是犹抱琵琶半遮面。这个时侯,我迷茫过,徘徊过,然而时间从不会停下它的脚步,正向朱自清写的那样“洗手的时候,日子从水盆里过去;吃饭的时候,日子从饭碗里过去;默默时,便从凝然的双眼前过去。我觉察他去的匆匆了??”是啊!时间如流水,而我们的人生还有很多要做的事,为了梦想,让我们珍惜时光,从现在开始一点一滴的积累吧!让我们的大学生活变得更加充实、丰富、有节奏。   在生活中我总希望快乐伴随着成功,微笑在每一个青春的季节里,我深知:有大海的呼唤我们就不能让搏击的勇气在海浪中却步,有蓝天的呼唤,就不能过让纷飞的翅膀在暗云中退化。





  当我写这一篇文章时,我已经是“北京”大学的一名学生了,在即将入学之际,我站在大学的开头,展望一下大学四年的学习和生活,希望我的大学能够如预期一般充实而有意义。  大一:打牢地基。观念上将“要我学”变为“我要学”,脚踏实地学好基础课程,特别是英语和计算机。在大规划下要做小计划,坚持每天记英语单词、练习口语,并从大一开始就坚定不移地学下去。根据自己的实际情况考虑是否修读双学位或辅修第二专业,并尽早做好资料准备。大一的学习任务相对轻松,可适当参加社团活动,担当一定的职务,提高自己的组织能力和交流技巧,为毕业求职面试练好兵。









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