描述海绵宝宝的英文作文 - 爱问答




Spongebob Squarepants has far exceeded the realm of childish cartoon designed to preoccupy five year olds. The exuberant personalities of the character leaped out of the television screen and embraced people of all ages. The character, a yellow sponge living at the bottom of the sea, so simple and frivolous, could touch the hearts of many with his unbridled optimism and unreal determination. This is exactly the reason that I fell in love with it. Squarepants is portrayed as sanguine and vigorous in his underwater world, everyday he finds miracles in life and incessantly inspires others around them. His upbeat character is in stark contrast with the depressed Squidward and the cantankerous Mr.Krab, and this comparison elevates his love for life above all our petty worries and inspires us to strive for the best in our world. Squarepants hangs out with his best friend—sea star Patrick, though Patrick is portrayed as a rather obtuse sea star, he astonishingly possesses the same optimistic qualities as Squarepants, this duo effectively conveys the message that “Life is not about how many breathes you take, it’s about how many moments that take your breathes away.” Of course, though Squarepants’ world is deep in the mystic ocean, the similarities of his world extend even to ours, he enjoys working at the Krabby Patties Restaurant every day of his life.




怀孕 结婚 直播 八字 梦见 星座 处女 算命 解说 南山 运势 解梦 暧昧 平顶山 八卦 景德镇 灵山 香山 崂山 长白山 葫芦岛 冰岛 圣托里尼 天山 茅山
小型的活泥鳅苗喂鱼直接喂活的能行吗银龙鱼可以喂泥鳅吗 大龄男人花了五千多块钱都没有脱单,就是三次相亲和一次网聊半年后的面基(往返车费就花了一千五百块钱), 其他鱼都正常,只有一条鱼总站着喘气,需要单独充氧,它的食欲却很好,请问是怎么回事? 希望大家帮我看看是我做错了吗? 东北收粮季节是几月份 雀鳝到底能不能养在没有过滤系统的玻璃钢或塑料箱里 福建龙岩市长汀县2022年槟榔芋种植共有多少亩 这是什么品种的兰花,养了7年,一株最多四叶,分了好几盆,就是莫有花 专家号还是普通号那个号好? 直径为50cm的石楠冠丛高多少 某男孩拍照做姿势都做起要他什么一样,啥类型的? 懂用易经八字起名字的进 有哪些好听的女孩笔名 职高女孩子选什么专业比较好? 大佬有情侣网名吗