求文艺晚会英语小品的剧本 - 爱问答




S d: She is my elder sister, she is very clever.E d: She is my little sister; she studies at kindergarten now she is silly.Dad: She is my sister, the children’s aunt, she is a teacher.Aunt: He is my brother, the children’s father.Dad: Today I will check your knowledge which you studied at school.Aunt: So you must prepare well.Two d: Yes, we will prepare very well.Dad: Let’s begin, who invented light?E d: Thomas Alva Edison.Dad: Good! Who discovered Radium?E d: Marie Curie.Dad: You are so clever! Who discovered gravity?E d: Isaac Newton.S d: Is it difficult?E d: Don’t worry. I will give you the answer paper.S d: That’s great!Aunt: Let’s begin. Who is your father?S d: Nm…. (see the Ans paper) Thomas Alva Edison.Aunt: On my god…. Who is your mother?S d: Let me think (see the Ans paper) Marie Curie!Aunt: Hey! Who tell you this?S d: ……Isaac Newton!(Dad collapsed) Aunt: I think I must contact with your kindergarten teacher.Dad: ...Okay, Let us have dinner now.Aunt: Nephew, what has happened today?E d: Yes, I picked up ten dollars and gave black to the man.Dad: Good girl! Did the man say thank you to you?E d: Of course not, because the man pull my ears that I just gave back to him.Aunt: Gosh!S d: If there’re a note of ten dollars and a coin of five dollars in the floor, which one will you pick up?Aunt: Of course the ten dollars!S d: You are so silly! Why don’t you pick up all the money?Aunt: ………! (angrily)Dad: Don’t be rube!





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