c语言运行出错 - 爱问答



            retval = (inputfn(stream, format, plocinfo, arglist));        }    }    __finally {        _unlock_str(stream);    }    return(retval);}/****int fscanf(stream, format, ...) - read formatted data from stream**Purpose:*       Reads formatted data from stream into arguments.  _input does the real*       work here.**Entry:*       FILE *stream - stream to read data from*       char *format - format string*       followed by list of pointers to storage for the data read.  The number*       and type are controlled by the format string.**Exit:*       returns number of fields read and assigned**Exceptions:********************************************************************************/int __cdecl fscanf (        FILE *stream,        const char *format,        ...        ){        va_list arglist;        va_start(arglist, format);        return vfscanf(_input_l, stream, format, NULL, arglist);}int __cdecl _fscanf_l (        FILE *stream,        const char *format,        _locale_t plocinfo,        ...        ){        va_list arglist;        va_start(arglist, plocinfo);        return vfscanf(_input_l, stream, format, plocinfo, arglist);}/****int fscanf_s(stream, format, ...)**   Same as fscanf above except that it calls _input_s to do the real work.*   _input_s has a size check for array parameters.********************************************************************************/int __cdecl fscanf_s (        FILE *stream,        const char *format,        ...        ){        va_list arglist;        va_start(arglist, format);        return vfscanf(_input_s_l, stream, format, NULL, arglist);}int __cdecl _fscanf_s_l (        FILE *stream,        const char *format,        _locale_t plocinfo,        ...        ){        va_list arglist;        va_start(arglist, plocinfo);        return vfscanf(_input_s_l, stream, format, plocinfo, arglist);}






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