诸葛亮给曹真的信翻译? - 爱问答




The book yue: "the book on the Chinese prime minister, WuXiang hou zhuge liang, fu Cao Zidan: before I call for will, can go to, can soft can just; Able to enter to back

Weak to strong. Unforeseen mountain yue, such as the Yin and Yang; Infinite such as heaven and earth, enrich as taicang; Waters such as the four seas, anti-dazzle telecom such as campaigns.

Predict the drought and flood of astronomy, geography knowledge first ping kang; Observes the appearance of the period, with brief affairs from the enemy. Jie, there is no school junior, on the inverse dome

Pale; Help CuanGuo against thief, proclaimed himself in luoyang; Walk down archers in the valley of oblique, by continuous heavy rain in their; The amphibious sleepy, troops abroad;

Throw surplus rural GeJia, abandon all of the sword; Viceroy heart collapse and bravery, general Wolf busy to bits! No meet the guanzhong of elder, what

The hall of yan into phase mansion! Noted write and record, and the people and proclaim: unclear chongda smell array and if admonitions, zi Dan submitted HuangHuang!

Our army is strong, and general courageously to martial tiger; Sweep qinchuan to Pyongyang, swinging as QiuHuang wei!"




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