360翻译在线翻译英语 - 爱问答



关键词:厨房;美食    乡愁;思念    


 The kitchen is not strange to many people. But to say a detailed understanding, it is just a general understanding. We all know that kitchen is a paradise for making delicious food. Anyone with cooking can make delicious food here. This is what we all understand. But in our subconscious home or home, the kitchen has always been the territory of mom, and never let us easily enter it. Of course, we remember more of the delicious food mom made. When she was a child, she was looking forward to making a delicious food every time she entered the kitchen. Over time, we were used to the taste of mom. Every time I leave my hometown, I think of the smell of my mom kitchen and my hometown. We have tried many different foods after growing up. We may have accepted one side's diet in a while, but it will not be long before any discomfort will occur. However, we will think more strongly of mom's food and the taste of our hometown, which will produce a strong sense of nostalgia, and will also appear serious out of control in the real and spiritual level. When we know that the restaurant in our hometown appears near our communication circle, the joy is really not to say that we can not say that we can not, it is happy, it is happy. This topic is actually around Xining Tibetan restaurant to analyze the city Tibetan to their hometown of the year of thinking and the memory of mom kitchen. In fact, it is not so much to miss Mom and hometown, but also to have a long fatigue after fighting in noisy cities. Even there is a tired life state. When you need something that can resonate with the soul, the taste of your family and hometown will make you feel that the soul has a sense of belonging. That's what we want to shoot. 

Key words: kitchen; Food nostalgia; miss




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