求帮做个英语题谢谢 - 爱问答



    Being a girl is so much trouble. It always has been. While 31 have long tried to improve on nature, in the last few years more and more 32 women go into salons around the United States. They seek services their mothers didn’t 33 themselves until they were out of college and able to 34 their own beauty plans. 

    Here is what it takes to be pretty these days: a great haircut, chemically changed hair color, professionally (专业的) cared for nail, and perfectly smooth legs, to mention only 35 things. 

    The bill for this can be as high as the expenses of owning a car. American teenagers 36 US$155 billion in 2000, up from US$123 billion in 1997. They 37 their parents to spend another US$100 billion, according to Teen Research Unlimited, a Chicago-based marketing company. 

 ‘If I read one more model or actress say what really counts is being beautiful inside, I feel sick,’ says 15-year-old Jessica Bell from California. ‘I think I have two 38 . I can go to bed every night praying (祈祷) I’ll wake up looking like a model, or I work at looking good, like all my friends do.’

     The trend can be explained by the 39 of famous people. Or, it can be seen as a result of more money, and technology being within reach of those under 20. But more than anything else, the attitudes of parents have changed as more and more people are paying too much 40 to appearance. Many of today’s parents act like friends eager to share experiences with their children. 

31.A. manB. womanC. menD. women 

32.A. youngB. oldC. prettyD. working

33.A. wantB. makeC. allowD. let

34.A. affordB. buyC. doD. pay

35.A. a littleB. a fewC. littleD. few 

36.A. spendB. spent C. makeD. made 

37.A. askB. allowC. makeD. persuade

38.A. explanationsB. storiesC. choicesD. ideas

39.A. resultB. encourageC. attitudeD. influence

40.A. attentionB. fundsC. effort D. expectation





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