妈呀!有英语老师么?求家教 - 爱问答



1、Little Mike want to know( )next weekend.
A.when his uncle leaves B.when will his uncle leave
C.when his uncle will leave D.when does his uncle stay
2、The man spoke as if he ( ) everything ,but in fact.he only knew little about it.
A.known B.knew C.have known D.had known
3、He studied hard and later went to a famous university,( )his family expect.
A.that was what B.what was that C.and which what
D.which was what
4、Was it not( )you arrived at his house( )you discovered that he was on holiday?
A.when,that B.until,did C.until,that D.when,did
5、( )is none of our business.
A.If he succeed and fails
B.Whether he will succeed and fail
C.Whather he will succeed and fail
D.That he will succeed and fail

1. C. whe his uncle will leave

    宾语从句要用陈述语序。next weekend 要求从句需要用一般将来式。

2. D. had known


3. D. which was what

    非限制性定语从句。先行词不是一个单词,而是前面的整句话。也只有 which与 as 有这种功能。

4. C. until, that

   not until 的强调句式。

5. B. 但是, and 应该改成 or。

   Whether he will succeed or fail。

  whether 引导的一个主语从句。




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