帮忙翻译一下 - 爱问答



Time flies, the sun flies, finally we have come to the long-awaited autumn games. The date is October 18, 19, 20 (that is, next Thursday, Friday, Saturday), a total of two and a half days.


The earth in the autumn wind urge, changed the charming autumn clothing, accompanied by the October autumn wind, we launched a fierce sports meeting, but also harvest the joy and sorrow.


I believe that on the morning of the sports meeting, we all get up early and use our spare time to get to school early to talk about the upcoming sports meeting. I also believe that when we came to the playground, we saw people coming and going on the playground, flags fluttering, everyone's face flying, smiling. I also believe that the opening ceremony of the sports meeting will be wonderful, because it starts with a raucous performance.


The sports meet has begun.


Imagine the games: the game was intense, the playground was full of people early in the morning, we were breathing fresh air, we were watching the game, and the gunshots were ringing. Athletes are like arrows from the string. 100 meters of students scramble, 200 meters more intense, are afraid of falling behind, one by one is desperately forward! Running 800 meters and 1500 meters of students ran fast, but then out of breath came back. It was a hilarious scene! There are cheerleaders shouting "come on," there are a small number of writers who bury their heads in writing manuscripts, and our contestants are also fighting up with courage. Before the spirit of participating in every competition. I think it doesn't matter even if you lose, (but try to be first) because failure is the mother of success after all! If everyone in our class has the desire to win honor for the class, our class is a very United class! As long as we keep working hard, our class must be first in the sports meeting every year. "











时光飞逝,太阳飞逝,我们终于迎来了期待已久的秋季奥运会。日期是10月18日,19, 20日(即下星期四、星期五、星期六),总共两天半。大地在秋风中催促,改变了秋天迷人的衣裳,伴随着十月秋风,我们展开了激烈的运动会,也收获了欢乐和悲伤。我相信在运动会的早上,我们都很早起床,利用课余时间早点到校,谈论即将到来的运动会。我也相信,当我们来到操场时,我们看到人们在操场上来往往,旗帜扬,每个人的脸都飞扬,微笑。我也相信运动会的开幕式将是精彩的,因为它以喧闹的表演开始。运动会已经开始了。想象一下比赛:比赛很激烈,操场上一大早就挤满了人,我们呼吸着新鲜空气,我们观看比赛,枪声响起。运动员就像琴弦上的箭。100米的学生争先恐后,200米更加激烈,害怕落后,一个接一个是拼命向前!跑800米和1500米的学生跑得很快,但随后又上气不接下气地回来了。这是一个有趣的场面!有啦啦队员高喊“加油”,也有少数作家埋头写稿子,而我们的参赛者也在勇敢地战斗。在参加每一场比赛的精神之前。我认为即使你输了也没关系,但要努力成为第一,因为失败是成功之母!如果我们班的每个人都想为班级赢得荣誉,我们班是一个非常团结的班级!只要我们继续努力,我们班就必须在运动会上每年第一次。”



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